
Commission Status: Closed

Commission Info

“… a commission is the hiring and payment for the creation of a piece, often on behalf of another. Artwork may be commissioned by private individuals, by the government or businesses.”  -Wikipedia

Down below is information about commissioning me.  Contact via the form on the bottom if you are interested.  The prices listed are base prices and subject to change due to complexity of what was requested.

Commission Listing With Base Prices and Add ons

At the moment, there are 4 types of commissions that I am accepting.  Each type of commission has different versions depending on how much content is to be drawn.  These are base prices and may fluctuate depending on complexity of what was asked.

The commission will be sent via e-mail as an attachment with the following:

  • Full quality with no signature .PNG and .JPG file.
  • Full quality .PSD or .CLIP file.
    • Some layer information may be lost in PSD files due to effects that only work with the programs I use.
  • Sketch
  • Linework
  • Full Color Cell
  • Full Color Painted
Sketch Type Base Price
Headshot $10
Bust $15
Full Body $20
Linework Type Base Price
Headshot $15
Bust $20
Full Body $25
Full Color Cell Type Base Price
Headshot $30
Bust $40
Full Body $60
Full Color Painted Type Base Price
Headshot $50
Bust $75
Full Body $90
Add-on Type Base Price
Extra Character + %50 Base Price
Simple Background $15
Complex Background $50

The Fine Print

By commissioning me, you are accepting these terms of services:


  • When commissioning me, you will be agreeing to these terms of service.
  • I have the right to alter these terms, however any changes will not affect clients who have agreed to the previous terms.
  • I have the right to refuse a commission.
  • I have the right to cancel a commission. When this happens, the payment will be refunded in full or partially depending on the reasons explained below.
    • Clients get a full refund if I cancel the commission.
    • Clients get a full refund if they cancel the commission before I start working on it.
    • Clients get a partial refund if they cancel the commission after I started working on it. The reduced refund amount will depend on how much work that was already done.

Any questions about refunding can be asked via E-mail.


  • Payments are made through PayPal only.
  • When I receive the commission information, I will give you a quote.
  • When I accept your commission, I may work on an idea for the commission, however I will not go beyond this idea stage until payment has been received.  Commissions must be paid upfront in full.
  • Remember that the prices above are base prices.  Prices fluctuate depending on how complex or simple the commission will be (and yes, that does mean that prices can be lower than the base prices listed above).


  • Clients may set a deadline for their commission for an additional fee, depending on the amount of time given and the complexity of the commission.
  • I have the right to prioritize my commissions based on deadlines that were set.
  • I have the right to refuse a deadline for a commission if it conflicts with my schedule.
  • Low quality versions will be uploaded to my social media accounts unless you tell me otherwise.
  • Artwork still belongs to me, the properties of said artwork remain with you, and alterations to it must go through me first.  If you wish to outright buy full rights to the commission piece, ask for a quote before or after commissioning to set it up.  By doing this, you retain all rights to it, and you are responsible if it is stolen by others and used without consent.  All I ask is that you still inform people that I, the artist, was the creator of the artwork.


